Career Share



NCODA understands that hiring is a challenge within any industry. Finding top candidates to meet the needs of your open positions may seem like a daunting task. Many of the positions within oncology require applicants to have certain certifications and experience. Through this Career Share resource, NCODA connects oncology healthcare professionals of all backgrounds (oncologists, oncology pharmacists, technicians, administrators, etc.) with relevant position postings.

Established in 2015, NCODA’s membership is comprised of like-minded cancer centers from across the country and is rapidly spreading to additional states who operate a dispensing platform. 

NCODA will always be independent for its stakeholders, as it formulates a collaborative drug therapy management service which is so vitally important to the increasing number of patients prescribed oral chemotherapy and the providers involved in their care. This career board was created to connect professionals within the NCODA network with opportunities to advance their experience and utilize NCODA's network to discover new career options. 

Part-Time Pharmacy Technician

Position Location - Columbus, OH


Certified Pharmacy Technician

Position Location - Fredericksburg, VA


HEME/BMT Pharmacy Specialist

Position Location - Pembroke Pines, FL


Looking for new talent to join your team? Submit your open positions below!

NCODA has taken the liberty to create the Career Share resource. It is available to all active NCODA members. NCODA posts employment opportunities and internships on behalf of our members via this webpage. Postings are based on the information provided by the employer or person offering the position. Due to the volume of job and internship postings received, NCODA is unable to fully research the integrity or validity of each organization or person that posts a position or guarantee that all jobs are still available. NCODA makes no guarantee about positions listed and is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment. It is the responsibility of each individual job seeker to research the integrity of the organization(s) to which he/she is applying and to verify the specific information pertaining to the job posting. Job seekers should exercise due diligence and use common sense and caution when applying for or accepting any position. NCODA Job Share is provided free of charge to our members. Employers and applicants are encouraged to request reference information from each other as needed to establish qualifications, credentials and overall fit between the employer and the applicant. For your privacy and protection when applying to a job online, it is advisable that you do not give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. All job listings are posted at the discretion of NCODA. We will not post jobs that appear to discriminate against applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, disabled or Vietnam Era veteran status, sexual orientation, disability, or gender. NCODA also reserves the right to refuse to post jobs that do not support the interests of the organization.